Customized To Fit Your Needs

We’re able to apply a number of different options to help your student reach full potential.

Time Management

Scholarship Applications

Narrowing Choices

Essay Planning and Coaching

College Applications

Interview Preparation

Time Management

Half the battle is meeting DEADLINES!

  • Management of the entire application process from start to finish
  • Create and maintain a Master Timeline
  • Reminder emails sent to your student
  • Parent Access to the Master Timeline

Narrowing Choices

Which college BEST suits YOU?

  • In-depth interview to learn about the student’s interests and goals
  • Create a list of potential colleges based on the interview
  • Research and discuss colleges to find a “good fit”
  • Select where to apply (usually 3-5 schools)
  • Add all application deadlines to the Master Timeline

College Applications

Present your best self!

  • All applications completed ENTIRELY with no missing details
  • Multiple edits of each application to ensure the best presentation
  • Assistance with obtaining Reference Letters

Scholarship Applications

The reward for your hard work and dedication!

  • Locate relevant local, state, and national scholarships
  • Locate scholarships specific to the college of your student’s choice
  • All applications completed ENTIRELY with no missing details
  • Multiple edits of each application
  • All deadlines added to the Master Timeline

Essay Planning and Coaching

Tell YOUR story!

  • Brainstorm ideas together
  • Plan and outline the best possible essay
  • Edit multiple drafts
  • Provide a final proof-read before submission
  • All essay deadlines added to the Master Timeline

Interview Preparation

How to SHOW your best self!

  • Mock Interviews with feedback
  • Interview coaching: “How to Act during an Interview”
  • Sample questions for practicing
  • All interview dates added to the Master Timeline

Other Services

There’s more to choose…

  • North Carolina School of Science and Math (NCSSM) application
  • Boarding high school applications
  • Resumes
  • Preparation of a Personal Statement
  • Planning of high school courses specifically based on college goals
  • Anything else your student needs to take the next step toward college!