November Checklist
November is a GREAT month for high school students- there are multiple days off from school to work on college applications, essays, scholarship applications, visit potential schools, and do college research.
If you are a senior, deadlines are NOW for early admissions and coming soon for financial aid and scholarships.
November is a busy month and requires organization and focus.
- Send SAT and ACT scores to the colleges where you are applying.
- Make any last-minute college visits, especially to colleges you are most interested in possibly attending.
- Send transcripts to the colleges where you are applying.
- Ask teachers, counselors, coaches, employers for reference letters. Be sure to give them plenty of time to complete. It isn’t polite to ask at the last minute!
- Complete FAFSA or any other financial aid documents that may be requested by specific colleges.
- Finish all of your college applications and get them submitted. There’s no more time to waste.
- Take the SAT or ACT one last time if it is necessary.
- It is important to be in constant communication with your counselor and education consultant. Everyone needs to be on the same page and working together.
- Login to college portals and keep an eye on your application status or any missing information that needs to be updated immediately.
- Check with the counseling department for deadlines, helpful links, and scholarship updates.
- Continue to be involved in the school community, even if it is virtual!
- Update your Activities and Awards List
- ASK FOR HELP when you need it! Don’t waste your time being confused or unsure- ask for what you need.
- Attend a college fair, even if it is virtual.
- Talk with recruiters who visit your high school. You can also email admissions counselors at potential colleges.
- Be involved in your school community. Participate in clubs, do volunteer work, and build relationships with fellow students and teachers.
- Update your Activities and Awards List each time you do something new or receive an award.
- Grades matter, especially in your junior year. When applying to colleges as a senior, your junior year grades will be the most recent on your transcript. You want to stand out to admissions counselors.
- Create a spreadsheet of potential colleges. It is helpful to have college information in one place. You can track costs, majors, deadlines, and make notes to yourself.
- As a junior, you can take the PSAT (this is especially important for National Merit Scholarship). Take practice tests and identify any areas where you might need extra practice or help.
- If you are a student-athlete planning to play sports in college, you need to complete interest forms at each college.
- ASK FOR HELP when you need it. Don’t waste your time being confused. There are people who want to help you, but you have to tell them what you need.
- Grades matter! Do your best in all of your classes and keep your grades up. If you are taking AP courses, it is especially important to do well in these classes.
- Be involved in your school community. Join clubs, meet new people, seek out volunteer opportunities, and build relationships with your peers and teachers.
- Update your Activities and Awards List as you have new experiences.
- Some high schools allow sophomores to take the PSAT. Check with the counseling office at your school to see if you are eligible.
- Start doing SAT and ACT prep work. You can take practice tests, use study guides, or even take a prep course.
- Talk to your counselor about your academic goals. Together you need to plan your high school courses and start to talk about potential colleges.
- Start researching colleges and create a spreadsheet to keep track of all that you learn. This spreadsheet should include a list of colleges, possible majors, deadlines, cost, notes about visiting, and any other information you learn in your research.
- Read about various majors and careers. Take an interest inventory online or ask your counselor about how to do this.
- Meet with college recruiters when they visit your school, even if it is virtually!
- Email or call the Admissions Department at colleges in which you are interested. They will send you all kinds of helpful information.
- Be Healthy- physically and mentally. ASK FOR HELP when you need it.
- Freshmen year is about starting your high school career positively. You need to develop strong study skills and good time management.
- High school is an adjustment, but it is crucial that you get good grades and start strong academically.
- Get involved in your school community. Join clubs, participate in athletics, seek out volunteer opportunities, meet new people, and build relationships with your peers and teachers.
- Talk to your counselor about your academic goals. Together you need to plan your high school courses and start to talk about potential colleges. It is a good idea to investigate taking AP courses if you are not already.
- Take a personality assessment and interest inventory. These are available online, or your counselor can help you to do this.
- Interest assessment
- Be Healthy- physically and mentally! The first year of high school can be overwhelming so ASK FOR HELP when you need it!
November is an incredibly busy month for high school seniors. It is a time to finish college applications, start scholarship applications, take last-minute tests (SAT, ACT), and make final visits to potential colleges.
For underclassmen, November is about maintaining good grades, being involved, and starting to look at potential careers and colleges.
November is also a great time to talk to family members about their college experience and career paths. Family members are an excellent resource for information and guidance, so use those Thanksgiving dinner conversations to learn more about the people around you and the career paths they chose.
Do you need help with the college admissions process? Unraveled Futures has you covered!
Unraveled Futures offers assistance with all aspects of the college admissions process, including applications, finding colleges in which to apply, essay writing, scholarship applications, and interview practice.
Contact us today so we can work together tomorrow.
- It’s November- What Should I Be Doing to Prepare for College? - November 13, 2020
- It’s October- What Should I Be Doing to Prepare for College? - October 8, 2020
- Activities and Awards List:What It Is and Why you Need One - September 24, 2020