Let’s say you and a friend head to the library or a favorite coffee shop to spend a couple of hours working on college applications. Your friend pulls out her laptop, sips her coffee, and gets to work on the Activities section. Thirty minutes later, she has finished, and you have only listed two items and are struggling to remember more.

What’s the difference between the two of you?

Your friend kept an Activities List- a document that lists all of the activities she participated in throughout high school. Your friend simply printed the list, made a few notes, and then glanced at it as she typed items into her Common App.

You, on the other hand, have no such list. You sit and struggle to remember what you did your freshman year- three long years ago and are continually having to ask your friend what she remembers about YOUR past.

Having an activities and awards list can save you countless hours and help you create an accurate portrait of yourself on your college applications.